Friday, December 18, 2020

How With Strength Exercise to Lose Fat

How With Strength Exercise to Lose Fat

If I had a nickel every time a female customer told me that they refused to lift weights for fear of getting bulky, let's just say I'd have loads of nickels. Although, yes, there is a diet and cardio target, the fact is that on the treadmill alone the lean muscle will not survive. In my knowledge, the greatest-kept secret to fat loss still seems to be weight lifting.

You should know that you can get bulky unless you take supplements to increase muscle development, because your body just doesn't have the hormones to get there naturally. When you do it, Cardio just burns calories, but strength training has what is known as the afterburn effect. Owing to "Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption" or EPOC, even after you're finished exercising, your metabolism remains high. For up to 48 hours after your workout, a well-designed strength-training program will keep you burning calories and fat.

Here are four items, plus a sample workout schedule, that your exercise regimen should include.

Training for pure power

True to the way it sounds, this part of the program is designed specifically to build or maintain muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be, and the more calories and fat your body will burn. Your body type and level of expertise will determine how much weight you should be lifting and for how long. If you’re more advanced you can get away with lifting heavier loads, whereas if you’re just starting out, start with lighter weights (or no weights) and then add on once you’ve mastered the movement itself. My new book Strong is the New Skinny has a step-by-step guide for each fitness level, plus tons of strength training exercises to choose from to keep both your mind and body guessing. If you can only get to the gym 3 days a week, use those days to do your Training for pure power. You can create a 5-move workout here or try these bodyweight exercises.

A strength training tip: Donâ€TMt weigh yourself. The numbers on the scale can fluctuate when you lift weights. You will lose weight, but you'll gain toned muscle. Will you rather see the number go down on the scale or would you rather lose inches and even though you weigh a little more, have your clothes suited better? It shouldn't even be a race.

Training for Metabolic Resistance

Training for Metabolic Resistance (MRT) is also sometimes referred to as HIIT or high-intensity interval training. Either way you spin it, the main concept is that you’re performing periods of intense work, followed by a short period of rest. When done correctly, MRT can be the best way to skyrocket that heart rate and keep your body burning fat throughout the rest of the day. But, since the work is so quick and intense, form is of the essence. Respect your ability level—if you know you’ve already exhausted your arms from a set of burpees, don’t go for the squat with overhead press. Keep in mind that there are a number of ways to perform these types of exercises, whether it’s dumbbells, kettlebells, or body weight exercises like mountain climbers or push-ups. For more ideas, check out The 15-Minute Workout to Change Fat to Muscle.Â

While cardio should not be the only source of physical activity in your overall fitness routine, there is still a place for it. As a form of interval training, cardio can be performed in two ways: moderate intensity or high intensity. All depends on where the heart rate is. Reasonable intensity is good for improving your overall aerobic base (heart rate in about the 120-150 range) as well as improving your recovery over the week as your body gets rid of any lactic acid build-up from resistance training. Before your strength training days, use it as a warm-up, about 10 to 15 minutes to just get the body going. Or as an MRT exercise, you can use it to bring the heart rate up to about 90% of its full effort and then recover with a rest time. Try making sets of 100 jump ropes as quickly as you can, resting between them for 30 seconds to a minute. Or, run on the treadmill at intervals: jog for a minute, then walk for a minute. For an extra challenge, try to raise the slope by 1% eac eac.

Your days of rest are just as important as the days you're going all out. You're actually tearing the muscle fibers apart when you work the muscles to the point of exhaustion. You need to give them time to recover in order to let them rebuild. When you work out every day, you don't give the body the time it needs to heal and restore. If you fail to take a day off, you may possibly do more harm than good, so it's crucial to take sufficient rest days as part of your schedule.

A software sample:

Monday: Moderate intensity cardio warmup + Training for pure power

MRT, Tuesday:

Wednesday: Moderate intensity cardio warmup + Training for pure power

Thursday: Cycles of the MRT (treadmill or jump rope)

Friday: Moderate intensity cardio warmup + Training for pure power


Sunday: relax and rest

The leading fitness expert, television personality, entrepreneur and best-selling author of the latest book, Strong is the New Slim, is Jennifer Cohen. Jennifer was the featured trainer on The CW's Shedding for the Wedding with her trademark, straight-talking approach to fitness, mentoring the contestants to lose hundreds of pounds before their big day and she appears on NBC's Today Show, Extra, The Doctors and Good Morning America on a regular basis. Connect on Facebook, Twitter, G + and Pinterest with Jennifer.

Monday, December 14, 2020

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

On average, we sit for about 12 hours every day. “Yikes” is right. “Whether it’s at a desk or in the car, when people sit for most of the day, they may develop tight hip flexors. These muscles attach to the lumbar spine and could create lower-back pain when they are shortened,” explains physical therapist Erica Anne Meloe, owner of Velocity Physiotherapy in New York City and author of Why Do I Hurt?

So what can you do to help those suffering hip muscles? First, make sure you’re getting up and walking around throughout the day—researchers suggest at least once every 30 minutes. But to further help, try this hip-opening sequence created specifically for Health readers by Peloton yoga instructor Kristin McGee. “These poses take a 360-degree approach, helping to stretch and strengthen the hips from all angles—front, side, and back,” says McGee.

Run through them three to four times a week, and you’ll feel so much looser.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

Get onto all fours. Cross right leg over left, then sit back down between your heels or on a block, with knees stacked. Extend left arm toward ceiling, then bend left elbow, bringing palm to touch the center of upper back; then bend right arm behind back, trying to grasp fingers of left hand. Stay here for 5–8 breaths, breathing evenly; then switch sides and repeat. To make it more comfortable, you can also sit on a blanket instead of a block.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

From Cow Face pose, slide right leg forward onto the floor, placing right shin parallel to the front of the mat, and slide left knee on floor behind you. Lower left thigh to mat with top of left foot facing down. Stay upright, with torso over hips and hips square to the front of the mat. Remain here for 5–8 full breaths, then bring left foot toward right and repeat on opposite side.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

Bound Angle pose

Sit on mat with soles of feet together and knees bent out to sides. Interlace fingers around feet. Inhaling, press knees down toward mat while sitting up tall; bow forward slightly to get a deeper stretch. Stay here for 8–10 breaths.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

Ankle to Knee pose

From Bound Angle pose, cross right knee over left ankle and bring bottom leg in so right ankle is over left knee, with shins stacked. Bring both palms to floor in front of you, leaning forward slightly. Hold here for 5–8 breaths.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

Half Reclining Hero’s pose

Kneel on mat with knees together. Sit back on heels, and then extend right leg straight out in front of you. Slide left foot slightly wider than knee with the top of left foot on the floor and big toe angled in, allowing butt to rest on floor. Then place hands on floor behind you and lean back, bringing elbows and forearms to floor behind you. From here, continue to lower all the way to the floor or as far as you can go without pain or discomfort; cross elbows overhead. Stay here for 5–8 breaths.

This 6-Step Yoga Flow Will Open Up Your Tight Hips

Begin in Downward Dog with hands on floor in front of shoulders, legs extended, and hips lifted in an inverted V. Step right foot to the outside of right hand, then lower both elbows to mat, keeping right knee next to right side. Keep left leg active, pressing back with left heel, and hips level, without allowing them to sag. Stay here for 8–10 breaths, then step right foot back. Lift hips to ceiling as a break, and repeat on left side.

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Best place to find more about rear delt raise is

Saturday, December 12, 2020

3 Exercises for Toned Arms and Legs From Ashley Graham's Trainer

Who doesn't want to tone up their muscles while feeling powerful and unstoppable? Ashley Graham's personal trainer, Morit Summers, has the exercises to help you do just that.

Today, Summers took to Instagram to share a video of three lifting moves with this caption: "Lift because you love it, lift because you want to see progress, lift because being strong is awesome!" We couldn't agree more, given the scientific benefits of strength training, like stronger bones and lower levels of inflammation.

We reached out to Summers to get the deets on her trifecta of power moves, and she shared their benefits as well as a few tips on pulling off perfect form. Learn how these strength-training exercises can build your strongest core, legs, and arms yet.

"These help with control of movement and strength, since you have to hold the form of your squat for an extended period of time," Summers told Health via email. To execute these squats, place a bar across your shoulder blades, bend your knees, and squat backward into your heels. Stand up in a controlled motion, then pause and repeat.

Single-leg Romanian deadlifts

"RDLs work on the eccentric (or lengthened muscle) strength of the hamstrings," says Summers. To perform the exercise, hinge your hips back while holding your back straight and your core tight, she says.

While it's obvious this exercise works your shoulders, Summers says the movement offers benefits for the core as well. "[You have to] be able to hold your body up in a strong position while pressing a weight over head," she explains.

Next time you hit the gym, add these moves to your usual strength-training rotation, or pair them with a fun cardio workout. You'll be looking (and feeling) as fierce as Summers or her curvalicious celeb client Ashley Graham.

Best place to find more about cable press machine is

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How to correct 3 Main Moves People Still Get Wrong Jillian Michaels shows

If you're anything like us at the end of your workout, you probably hit an ab mat. You could do cardio, raise a few weights, and then plop down to make your core work. The thing is you're probably exhausted by that point, making it easy to compromise your form when the time comes for abs.

With this issue, you're not the only one, so we asked fitness guru Jillian Michaels to show us how to repair three common moves that will surely whip your core into shape.

Place your hands under your armpits, and do not put your hands on your arms. Then change your feet so that they are separated by shoulder width. Next, pull your weight forward so that your arms feel the burn.

Side plank push-up

Bring the feet together, bringing them slightly tighter for a regular pushup than they would be. Stack your feet on top of each other as you twist into the side plank pose and lift your hips towards the sky.

Climbers from the mountains

Make sure that your knees are kicked into your chest instead of your elbows. Also you'll want to round your back slightly to engage your heart.

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Flyby Fitness: I tried Gloveworxx Boxing

During my day, I took a couple of boxing lessons, both conventional and hybrid. So I was super excited to get into the ring when California-based Gloveworx opened up a store in New York City, where I live. I also felt I was looking for a sweat sesh that could shake up my current routine, which was heavy on running and indoor cycling as of late. Plus, a professional boxer who has trained a number of celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Love Hewitt, is the owner, Leyon Azubuike. Interested in pulling the gloves on a pair? Here's what you need to be conscious of:

Basics of boxing: Punch, cross, hook, uppercut, roll, slip-these are the basic moves that you can normally practice regardless of what kind of boxing class you sign up for. You'll also be reminded periodically to keep your gloves up (because no one wants to take a punch to the face). Just don't make the mistake of assuming that boxing is just a workout for the upper body. If you do it right, it's going to be full body, and afterwards you're going to be sore. Count on ring sparring, heavy bag practice, probably speed bag hitting, and general workouts (think squats and planks).

What Gloveworx says you can get While this boxing studio offers a number of lessons, I took the hour-long GWX 101, Boom X, Boom, Lightning, Blitz, and One-On-One. This class is touted as a "slower-paced session delivered in a small group of 2-6 individuals who learn the ropes... with a coach who focuses on getting your technique right." The summary of the class also states that the fundamentals of throwing punches and boxing footwork will be mastered.

What I got: Don't be fooled by the 101 moniker first of all. Your butt will be kicked by this class! It took 15 minutes to ensure that every single muscle in the body was primed and ready to go and we began with the most thorough warmup ever. Next, we learned each punch's proper mechanics, first practicing shadow boxing, and then going on to practice with one-on-one gloves. Just when my heart was really pounding and exhaustion was beginning to set in, we were going for some sprint work at the Versa Climber. (FYI: Versa Climber is hard AF, and I hate it.) We finished with some core work to complete the workout, keeping planks for multiple rounds of varying periods.

Yeah, it's for you: Actual exercise aside, this class might be a good start if you are stressed or have some pent-up anger you need or want to work through. Throwing those punches takes out all the tension and makes you really feel strong. Also, this is for you if you are looking for a fun but intense way to operate your body that is form-centric and super-technical.

You can pass: I'd say pass if you want to zone out during your workout. Boxing is about the mind as much as the body, so it is important to carry the brain to the ring.

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Monday, December 7, 2020

The best Ab exercise is this Plank Circuit (and it just takes 10 minutes!)

Keeping plank after plank will feel like a lifetime, with 10 minutes on the clock. But this ab-blasting plank sequence of the latest DB10 program from Daily Burn is designed to distract the mind and body. Think about: revolutionary combinations such as the plank punch push-up, or plyometric variants such as plank jacks and plank-ups.

“The idea behind these combo moves is to pair dynamic movement with traditional planks to offer core strengthening with cardio benefits,” says Dara Theodore, one of the lead trainers for the DB10 program.

"The idea behind these combo moves is to combine dynamic movement with traditional planks to provide cardio benefits with core strengthening," says Dara Theodore, one of the DB10 program's lead trainers.

Whether you’re running miles or doing deadlifts, engaging your core is the foundation for most workouts, after all. “Your core provides balance, stability and power in any workout as well as in daily activity,” Theodore says. Do these planks in one continuous flow, and you’ve got yourself a true ab burner that’ll also make you break a sweat. “Being aware of proper plank form and building core strength will allow you to reap the benefits of the dynamic movement, as you will be able to move faster and more fluidly,” Theodore adds.

TRY IT NOW: Daily Burn’s DB10 Program

5 Plank Exercises for a 10-Minute Ab Workout

As with all of our DB10 workouts, aim to complete as many rounds as possible of the following exercises/reps in 10 minutes. When you move continuously through each exercise at a quickened pace, you’ll ramp up your heart rate and burn more calories. For the ultimate core finisher, we hold a side plank for 30 seconds.

1. Plank to Push-Up to Inchworm

How to: Get into a high plank position with your hands shoulder-distance apart and your shoulders directly in line with your hands beneath them. Engage your abdominals to avoid arching your back and lowering your hips (a). Perform two push-ups, letting your elbows flare slightly out to your sides at about 45 degrees. Squeeze your glutes and core throughout the entire movement, and maintain a straight line from head to toes (b). Walk your hands back towards your feet and come up to stand (c). Hop your feet forward and then hop them back out to a high plank. This is one rep (d). Do five reps.

2. Push-Up to Plank Jack

How to: Get into a push-up position with your hands shoulder-distance apart and your shoulders directly in line with your hands. Squeezing your glutes and core, lower your body down to the ground and press it back up. This is one push-up. Do one more (a). Next, bring your feet together and do four plank jacks, jumping your feet wide to each side and then hopping them back together. Avoid raising your butt (d). Do six reps.

3. Plank-Up with Diagonal Hops

How to: From the high plank position, bring your right elbow down to the floor and then your left elbow down to the floor for a forearm plank (a). Get back into a high plank by lifting your right forearm up and then your left forearm (b). Next, bring your feet together in a high plank and hop them diagonally to your right side. Hop them back out to high plank before hopping them diagonally to your left side (c). Do five reps.

GIVE ME ACCESS: Daily Burn’s DB10 Program

4. Push-Up to Plank Punch

How to: Get into a push-up position with your hands shoulder-distance apart and your shoulders directly in line with your hands. You can keep your feet a little wider apart to help you stabilize when doing the plank punch (a). Lower your body down to the ground, keeping your body in alignment and your elbows flaring slightly out to your sides (b). As you press back up, make a fist with your right hand and punch it out in front of you (c). Perform another push-up before making a fist with your left hand and punching it out (d). Do six reps.

SIGN ME UP: Daily Burn’s DB10 Program

How to: Lie on your right side and place your right forearm on the ground. Engaging your core, raise your body up into a side plank, creating a straight line from your head to your toes (a). If you can, raise your left hand up towards the ceiling, gazing toward your hand. If you can’t, keep your left hand resting on your left hip (b). Hold the plank for 40 seconds and rest 20 seconds before switching sides.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

This Woman Is Breaking Down Stereotypes That Yoga Is Only For a Certain Body Type

It might be 2019, but we're still working hard to break down adverse myths and build up positivity for the body. One of those places? Yoga, a discipline designed to be welcoming and inclusive, is surprisingly sufficient to be reserved for those with unique types of body (read: slim, thin, athletic). We talked with Atlanta-based yogi and Lululemon global ambassador Chelsea Jackson Roberts about how she stays zen and why she's working hard to crack misconceptions in the world of yoga.

What makes you feel powerful and strong?

Studying a purpose, mission, or vision and having myself committed to it no matter how terrifying it is. That makes me feel very good until I hit the target or am in the process of working towards something.

This Woman Is Breaking Down Stereotypes That Yoga Is Only For a Certain Body Type
Can you describe what you mean by self-care?

In many ways, I also represent people in neighborhoods and even my partner, so self-care is carving out time for myself. Ultimately, it is a consistent activity or devotion to myself and while I am engaged in it it makes me feel good.

What's your favorite pose for yoga and why?

The Posture of Dancer. When I started yoga, it was one of the first poses I did. And it was something that I wouldn't have thought if I had seen a photo of anyone else doing it, that it was something my body would be able to do. I did it though and the pose stuck with me.

You've talked about battling the misconception of what a yogi usually looks like Can you describe that a little more?

I feel like I am fighting back against this narrative that yoga is only for a certain type of body or that since they are athletic or have the money to spend on expensive yoga wear, there are only certain people who are deserving of this activity. So every time I wake up, I feel like it's me pushing back on the stereotype that yoga is about. Every time I lecture, this picture changes. I'm happy that we have started to see a change in who a yogi is in the past five years with teachers like Jessamyn Stanley and Anna Guest-Jelley and myself.

How did yoga make you change?

I'm kinder to myself, more patient, not as critical as that. The instruments that I have and continue to learn from yoga are the ones that help me retain that kindness, and that influences and affects how I handle others.

Have you got a mantra?

I recently attended the Yoga Nidra immersion of Tracee Stanley, and we had to build our ideal Sankofa, which is essentially a mantra you'd use in your practice. Mine is even when I question, I am grounded and able to make choices." When I hear myself say this it enhances my ability to trust that I can make a good decision.

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Saturday, December 5, 2020

I Tried Snow-Ga and Don’t Ever Want to Go Back to Regular Yoga

I’m a bit of a yoga hound, I guess you could say. I got my teacher certification 15 years ago, and since then I’ve tried hot yoga that was so hot I thought my heart would explode. I’ve practiced traditional Ashtanga classes and new forms like hip-hop yoga. Wherever I go, from Canada to Nicaragua to the Netherlands, I try to sample the local take on yoga. So when I got the opportunity to try Snow-Ga, aka yoga in the snow, I jumped at the chance.

I arrived for my class at Bristol Mountain in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Mandy Wolfram, of Victor Yoga Studio, had me strap on snowshoes and handed me walking poles. We then set off on the snow-covered trails to find the perfect spot for class: a level clearing amid the trees.

As we started a sun salutation, I noticed that the women taking the class with me were wearing only yoga pants and slender puffy jackets. Meanwhile, I had donned at least four layers under my winter coat and snow pants. Pretty soon, I understood why: Even in sub-freezing temperatures, you work up a pretty good sweat flowing from chaturanga to downward-facing dog.

As we moved on to more difficult poses like crow and headstand (yes, I tried to balance on my head in the snow), I noticed I was less concerned about perfect form than I normally would be during a yoga class. I did not succeed in doing the headstand, and my wool gloves were a bit soaked through. But this was still the best part of Snow-Ga. By taking away my preoccupation with striking pretty poses, I was more aware of my surroundings.

I focused on breathing in the fresh air and gazing at the tree branches that sparkled with ice. By the last pose of class, which incorporated a tree trunk to help us stabilize a half moon, I felt pretty blissed out. And while I highly recommend the class in the Finger Lakes, you don’t need snowshoes to try Snow-Ga, just venture out to a park after the next snow fall and give it a try. But don’t forget to wear waterproof gloves!

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Is it easier to first do aerobic or strength training?

You know by now that you can't stick to the treadmill or elliptical alone if you want to develop a lean, healthy body. In order to get the solid and chiseled physique, it takes some hard lifting. In reality, you do need to integrate strength training into your routine, even if you want to be a better runner. But if you're strapped for time, and you need to cram your cardio and weights into a single sweat session, what do you have to deal with first? Training in intensity, according to the new study and fitness pros. Here's the reason.

Why Weights Need Not to Wait

Researchers pinned three exercise techniques against each other in a recent study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: strength training alone, running then power, and cycling followed by strength. They found that whether they had just run or cycled, exercisers did less weight lifting reps. However doing strength training beforehand with no cardio resulted in more reps.

In my experience, I found that when they first engage in resistance training, most exercisers feel stronger'," says Robert Confessore, PhD, clinical exercise physiologist at the Summit Medical Fitness Center in Kalispell, MT. Many scientific studies also show that when performed before lifting, aerobic training can negatively affect strength development (whereas research lacks on the lifting)." This is due to the muscles' physiological changes that make you move. Before you do resistance exercises, when you use those fibers to fatigue, your shape and drive will possibly suffer.

And that can have a noticeable effect. If you want the muscle-building benefits of strength training, it's best to start with those workouts, according to Lacey Stone, a LA-based celebrity trainer. "Before your cardio workouts, it is vital that you lift because you will have the most power and the most strength to lift heavier loads, which will make you stronger in turn," she says.

When the most Cardio Matters

Both resistance training and anaerobic workouts are crucial in terms of fighting off fat. It increases your metabolic rate as you gain muscle, which helps you lose fat faster," Stone explains." And according to reports, performing both strength and cardio substantially reduces body fat more than each technique alone. So you should probably stick to the same above-mentioned formula, but keep this caveat in mind: the same study found that while fat mass and waist circumference decrease, lifting alone does not make you drop pounds when you do a combination of the two techniques or only aerobic exercise.

So you need to turn up the cardio if you want to slim down, even if that means missing any weights while you're short of time. Stone says, "Just remember this: strength training changes your shape and cardio changes your size."

If you're after better aerobic ability, Stone says there are mixed reviews on what to tackle first. And if you want to be a better runner or a better biker, it's always wise to power train. In fact, one study found that resistance exercises improved the efficiency, muscle power and economy of endurance athletes. With cross-training days scattered around, you can only need longer and more regular cardio moves (some of which are stand-alone aerobic sessions).

Seeking your success recipe

Of course, each person has different ideas about what they want to get out of their gym time, so tailor yours to your objectives. I recommend playing with the order of the two styles of training within the same workout for the recreational exerciser, then gauge the works better for you," says Confessore." If you are still unsure about what to do, Confessore recommends preparing on separate days for these two forms of workouts, so you don't have to think about one impacting the other.

The bottom line... Do what works for your body, but if you need to start with a place: tackle power, then cardio.

DailyBurn's More From Life:

About Time Short? Your 6-minute workout with Ab

White Eggs or Whole Eggs: Which is better for you?

For an amazing 30-minute arm workout, 5 Simple Moves

Originally, this post appeared on Life by DailyBurn.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Best Piece of Gym Equipment You're Not Using

I’m almost certain you’ve seen the VersaClimber (or maybe it’s the Power Tower) in your gym. In mine, it’s situated right next to a row of treadmills…on the second floor, in the back left corner.

In the nine years I’ve been a member at Equinox, I’ve only seen one or two people on that thing. (Admittedly, I’ve only used it a handful of times.) Weird, considering a few minutes of ascending on the 75-degree vertical beam while clinging to its handles and strapped onto its foot pedals can help boost your strength and get your heart pumping.

“The VersaClimber is a great piece of cardiovascular equipment that works the upper extremity as well as the lower extremity,” explains celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, director of strength and endurance training for the Los Angeles Lakers. “It can be used as a warm-up, a steady state cardio tool, or for HIIT training.”

Plus, this low-impact machine pulls your entire body into the toning party—legs, butt, core, arms, back, and shoulders—while torching crazy calories. Research from Washington State University found that folks who engaged in simulated vertical climbing experienced s higher max heart rate than their counterparts who slogged away on the treadmill or the rower; their V02 max was greater too. In other words, it’s time to stop ignoring the VersaClimber.

Hopping onto a new piece of equipment can be extremely intimidating, so start slow. “The machine works in a cross-crawl pattern, when the left arm is up the right leg is up and vice-versa,” explains Peterson, who uses the VersaClimber with many of his clients, including Kate Beckinsale. “Start with relatively short strides, increasing stride length and resistance, to suit your workout goals and fitness level.”

Next time you’re at the gym, try using the VersaClimber in your next workout. Peterson recommends adding one-minute intervals into your training as a "station" at first. Once you get comfy and your movements are fluid, aim to complete this beginner cardio blaster from Peterson twice a week: Shoot for 10, 15, or 20 minutes, depending on your current fitness, with 10-second bursts of speed and power at the end of every minute, and build from there.

“It’s definitely a challenging tool, so give yourself some time to master it,” notes Peterson. “It’s not always love at first workout, but the results are pretty spectacular.”

7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

Can’t remember the last time you tried to tone your core? Though it might sound intimidating, a Pilates workout could be one way to start developing a stronger center. “One of the best things about Pilates is it is truly for anyone of any level,” says Andrea Speir, Daily Burn Pilates instructor. “Classical Pilates consists of over 600 exercises, all of which have modifications and variations.”

Pilates might imply a pricey studio or fancy equipment to some, but in reality, all you need is a mat. These seven easy Pilates moves require no gear, and are simple enough to try almost anywhere. You’ll find yourself strengthening more than just your core, too. “Pilates is a full-body form of exercise, so everything is getting targeted,” Speir says.

Even if you’ve been skipping out on ab workouts for a while, you can probably still pull off these moves with a few modifications. “In my opinion, it is one of the best things for newbies or people who feel they are out of shape because it will help build a solid base of strength… Everything is based on what your level is and yours alone,” says Speir. Try these seven simple moves to get started today.

7 Core Exercises for a Beginners’ Pilates Workout
7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

1. The 100At the core of every Pilates practice is ‘The 100,’ which is designed to get your blood pumping and warm you up, Speir says. Struggling to make it to the end of this move? “Make this a “50” instead,” Speir advises. “That means inhale for five counts and exhale for five counts. Do that five times. Focus on how much your abdominals are engaging and breathe.”

How to: Draw both legs into your chest, hold on to your legs, curl your head and chest up to a tight ball (a). Send your legs out to a tabletop position with your knee directly above your hip and shins parallel to floor. Hold on behind your thighs and actively curl up, deepening and hollowing out your abs (b). Hover your arms right above your abdominal wall and start to pump your arms 6 to 8 inches up and down, taking deep breaths, inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 5 counts (c). Repeat 10 times, without taking a break. Rest your head flat on the floor, rather than curling it up, if the move feels too difficult.

7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

2. Rolling Like a BallDon’t take yourself too seriously. This playful move is actually a simple way to simultaneously massage your back muscles while also working your abs, Speir says. “This exercise is great for beginners because the rounded shape of your spine helps teach you how to properly and effectively engage the core muscles, while challenging them to work hard,” Speir says.

How to: Come into a seated position, knees bent, feet pointed, with just your toes touching the floor (a). Grasp the back of each thigh with each hand, and lift your legs up. Keep your knees shoulder-distance apart, and lower your head between your knees (b). Inhale, exhale, deepening your abdominals, practicing your balance, for two breaths (c). Rock back to your shoulder tips (never onto your head or neck), then back up, finding your balance for a moment. Repeat five times.

7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

3. Single-Leg CirclesWith this simple sequence, you’ll learn how to keep your abs engaged, even when you’re moving your legs. “If you need a little bend in that knee of the circling leg, go for it!” Speir says. “It’s far better to bend that leg than to have your hip lifting up and out of place.” Another tip for first-timers: It may help to bend your non-circling leg, rather than keeping it flat on the mat—this will help you engage your core and align your hips.

How to: Lay down on the mat, shoulders down, ribs down, and extend your right leg straight up to the sky, with the left leg bent, foot flat on the floor (a). Circle your right leg across your body to your left shoulder, than back around to your right shoulder, stop at your nose. Focus on keeping abdominals scooped in (b). Repeat five times, then reverse, and switch legs.

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7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

4. Single-Leg TeaserThe single-leg teaser is an easy way to get your body prepared for the more advanced regular Pilates teaser—in which both legs are extended in the air. Mastering the single-leg teaser first will help you learn how to find and maintain proper form, Speir says. “Make sure your legs are tightly hugging together, even though one leg is extended. You want your knees touching the entire time,” Speir advises. “This midline connection will help the lower abdominals engage and also keep the leg from swinging or dipping around, which makes the exercise more difficult and allows the back and hips to take over.”

How to: Lying on your back, walk your feet in closer together, with your legs at a longer angle (not right in near your hands) (a). Extend one leg out, tightly hugging your inner thighs and knees together (b). Reach your fingers for your toes. Piece by piece, start to slowly round your body up reaching for those toes (c). Roll down only to your shoulder tips, come right back up and reach (d). Repeat four times. Place that foot down, send the other one out, and repeat 4 times.

7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

5. Criss-CrossWho said Pilates had to be complex? You’ll work your entire mid-section with this simple move. “This is one of [my favorite] exercises for building amazing core strength,” Speir says. Having trouble lifting your head? Try rolling up a towel and placing it under your neck. “This will help you see your abdominals and make sure they are probably engaging while in a way imitating the action of having the head and neck up,” Speir says. Remember, you only want to use this modification for moves that require your head and neck to curl up, not any exercises where you’re lying flat on the ground.

How to: Lay on your back, knees pulled into your chest, hands supporting the base of your head (a). Extend your right leg straight in front of you, left leg remains bent. Twist towards your left leg, holding for three counts (b). Switch, extending your left leg straight, pulling your right knee into your body. Spiral your chest towards the right knee, holding for three counts. Repeat twice. Then, do the move faster for four more full rotations (once on each side).

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7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

6. SawIf you tend to shy away from traditional ab work (like crunches), this move might be your new go-to. “This exercise helps open and stretch the shoulders and upper back,” Speir says. “This is a must-do for beginners because it establishes a proper base and form for the body. It also builds strength, while giving a good juicy stretch.”

How to: Sit up, legs spread as wide as a yoga mat (a). With your arms straight out to your sides, twist to your left (b). Stretch your right hand towards your left foot, pulsing three times (c). Roll up in the twist, untwist, and return to center. Repeat on the opposite side. Repeat once more on each side.

7 Easy Pilates Moves for a Quick Core Workout

7. MermaidThis stretch gives some much-needed attention to the sides of your body, which rarely get the TLC they deserve, Speir says. “Not only does it feel fantastic but it will help relieve tension and lengthen out your body.”

How to: Rest on your right hip in a seated position, with your legs folded together to the left side (like a mermaid!) (a). Place your left hand around your ankles, and hold your right arm straight up in the air, grazing your ear (b). Keeping your abdominals engaged, reach your right arm towards the ceiling, and then out and over to the left, making sure your arm stays straight. You should feel a stretch along the right side of your body. Repeat twice (c).For a counter-stretch, place your right hand on the mat, bending it slightly (d). Lift your left arm up near your ear, and stretch to the right. Spin your legs around, and repeat on the opposite side.

This article originally appeared on

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Best Time To Work Out Is Actually In The Morning—Here's Why

Hotly debated fitness topics are in no short supply: yoga vs. pilates, cardio vs. strength training, treadmill vs. outdoor running—the list goes on. But no dispute is as polarizing as the one surrounding morning vs. evening workouts.

Of course, the absolute best time to work out is whenever gym time meshes with your schedule so you actually show up on the regular. If you can only squeeze in a jog or yoga flow after work, it's smarter to do that then skip it altogether, exercise physiologists and trainers say.

That said, there is an optimal time to workout when you'll reap the most benefits—and that's in the A.M. Research shows that starting the day with a heart-pumping sweat session does come with indisputable health benefits; and honestly, it's not as hard as you think—once you get the hang of it. Still not convinced? Let these five science-backed reasons to start setting your alarm a little bit earlier do the trick.

1. You’ll make better wellness choices all day

“When you start the day working on your health, you'll strive to maintain that healthiness," explains Zack Daley, CPT, head coach at Tone House in New York City.

Think about it: When you're proud of yourself for consistently killing it at your 8 a.m. class, you won't want to ruin that healthy high by always gorging on breakfast donuts, right? Instead, you'll likely try to keep that awesome feeling going by skipping the pastries, taking the stairs to get to your office, and indulging in a grain bowl at lunch rather than the taco Tuesday special. All of these little moves add up to a healthier you.

2. You’ll sleep like an actual baby—in a good way.

According to the  National Sleep Foundation (NSF), people who hit the treadmill at 7 a.m. sleep longer, experience deeper sleep cycles, and spend 75 percent more time in the most reparative stages of slumber than those who exercise at later times in the day. The NSF also notes that those who sweat at night tend to have more trouble catching shuteye, possibly because working out raises your body temperature—and an overheated body is a known sleep saboteur.

Anecdotally, Daley believes this to be true: “I find that when I work out early, I am able to get to bed easier at night. But when I work out later at night, my adrenaline is still going from my late night workout.”

3. You might lower your blood pressure

People with high blood pressure, aka hypertension, often need medications to control this dangerous condition. But lifestyle changes—like exercising in the morning—may help.

In one 2014 study published in the Journal of Vascular Health and Risk Management, researchers had participants exercise at three different times of day: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Those who worked out early in the morning at 7 a.m. reduced their post-workout blood pressure by 10 percent. That dip continued all day and lowered even more at night, compared to the other participants, the researchers concluded. (The study subjects who worked out at 7 a.m. also slept better and had longer sleep cycles compared to their later-workout counterparts.)

4. You'll get a mood boost to help tackle the workday

“Working out gives you that boost of endorphins, which are basically natural painkillers for the body,” says Katherine "KG" Gundling, CPT, trainer at ‪ICE NYC‬. If your brain gets that endorphin bath early in the morning, you'll start your day feeling more optimistic and less susceptible to stress and anxiety, setting you up for a positive, productive workday. “You’ll also get a feeling of accomplishment knowing that you’ve made time for yourself first thing and have made your mental health a priority,” says Gundling.

5. You might lose more weight, if that's what you're aiming for.

Yep, if you're working out to lose weight, your results might depend (at least a little bit) on timing. According to a 2019 study in the International Journal of Obesity, those who exercised earlier in the day (at least before noon) lost "significantly more weight" than those who exercised later in the day, past 3 p.m.

While researchers admit that the study was small and needs more data to back up these claims, they also found a few other differences in morning versus late exercisers: According to researchers, early exercisers were slightly more active throughout the day, and ultimately ended up taking more steps than late exercisers. Those who exercised early on also ate bout 100 calories less—though researchers said these differences are barely applicable.

6. You’ll have the rest of the afternoon and evening free

In a perfect world, you would look forward to your regular date with the elliptical machine with pure, unbridled enthusiasm. But sometimes going to the gym is the last thing you want to do; it feels like a chore or a time suck, or the weather is terrible and you just want to go home and watch a Housewives marathon. Make it there early in the day, however, and you get your sweat session out of the way, so you won't nag yourself about it later.

“Especially if you have a busy schedule, working out in the morning can be the best way to plan and ensure that your workout doesn’t get pushed to the side at the end of a long day,” says Gundling. “If you’ve worked out in the morning, you don’t have to choose between exercise and happy hour or exercise and dinner with friends, so it’s easier to make it a habit.”

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